I thought it might be helpful if I put a post together which outlines what's currently available for the Electrum Best Selling Sprawl Goons: Upgraded line. There's more than you think!
Geist Hack Games Link
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
The original core rules that expanded on the one sheet game-jam version, that debuted on itch.io. Everything you need to play, if you like your dark futures lite.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Booster Pack
The premier add-on that introduces specific augmentations, quirks, weapons, ammo options, armour, narcotics, software, corporations and the first look at the 36 (d66) character backgrounds.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Plug-in Pack
The second supplement that adds more optional rules, detailed cyberspace consoles, weapon modifications, heavy weapons, weapon ranges, personal drones, more augmentations and how you might have got them, shardware, cybershell criticals and death, and random character aesthetics.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Metal ExpressThe vehicle supplement, including vehicle classifications, DS numbers, vehicle add-ons and options, maneuvers, chases, vehicle combat, vehicle mounted weapons and defenses, pedestrians, collisions, critical damage and control rolls, repairs, hacking vehicles, mechanics for hire and the vehicle showroom, showcasing a variety of designs.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - The Flow
A cyberpunk city sandbox, including the map with 80 varied futuristic locations, plus 36 random locations. A detailed backdrop to run any urban cyberpunk campaign.

Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Carbon Edition
This volume is a combination of the rules found within the Sprawl Goons; Upgraded rulebook, the Booster Pack, the Plug-In Pack, as well as the Metal Express and The Flow supplements, with an improved layout for easier reading, PDF with bookmarks and available as a shiny A5 hardback.
There are also a few rules updates in this edition - there's a new stat, Affinity, for those interpersonal challenges, more starting gear, Inventory is now Loadout, no Initiative, just Reaction rolls, updated Quirks, explosives defined, vehicle combat is included in the combat section, improved EMP rules, better Advancement options, more game info for narcotics and withdrawal rules, comprehensive gear price lists, plus common enemies and their Difficulty Scores. And there's a new fancy-ass character sheet.
It's the same fast-paced game, just more of it!
(Note: If you have this version in print or PDF, you DO NOT need to purchase Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Cyberpunk Roleplaying, the Booster Pack, the Plug-in Pack, Metal Express or The Flow - these are all INCLUDED in the Carbon Edition. Also available as a PDF at itch.io and in print at Lulu.)

Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - The Flow A3 Deluxe Map Pack
A larger format map of the Flow, designed for printing, which includes a higher degree of detail, such as the subway system and stations, FPD precincts and gang turf, which can be toggled on and off in layers.
A variety of the map variants are included as jpg files, so you can print the information you need.
Requires a copy of The Flow to make use of the information in this pack.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Street Stories 01: Gland Theft Metro
The first in a line of adventure outlines, which contain all you need to run an interesting and exciting episode in the city called The Flow. This outline includes the Bhin Xuyen criminal syndicate, a freaky new narcotic, wayward corporate aristocracy and crooked cops.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Street Stories 02: Hot Skull
The second adventure seed, Hot Skull takes the players on a frantic manhunt across The Flow, and serves as a way to introduce them to a number of different locations across the city, in pursuit of a mnemonic courier in deep trouble.
The above titles are all also available at itch.io.

Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Adventure: Kickin' Dogs [Gregorius 21778]
Technically, the very first 'official' Sprawl Goons adventure! A loosely structured urban search and rescue scenario, that pits the PCs against a violent gang of detestable punks. A great introductory adventure and one which I have run myself. PWYW.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Goon Tracker Sheet [Gregorius 21778]
A FREE and handy referee aid for Sprawl Goons NPCs.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Stay Sharp / Use Shards [Gregorius 21778]
50 new Shard chips for use with the Savvy Jack implant, 2 alternative implants to use shardware with, and drawbacks for cheap, faulty or badly implanted shardware cybernetics.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Drones You May See In The Sprawl [Gregorius 21778]
Compiled from blog articles, inspired by the Booster Pack and Remote Control and includes 11 new drones, how to hack them, what to do with a hijacked drone, legally acquired drone prices. Ideas for the referee and new toys for the PCs.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - 99 Items For A Turbosensei [Gregorius 21778]
A big list of (mostly) new, shiny loadout items that might be favoured by the Turbosensei character background, first introduced in the Booster Pack and subsequently in the Carbon Edition. Also serves as a bonus gear list for the game, as well as a what do you find on the dead turbosensei NPC list.
More turbo, more sensei.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Sprawl Survey: Bio Cops & Cybrids [Gregorius 21778]
Ever wondered what working for the Cognition Verification Bureau is like? What make them different to regular FPD cops? Curious as to what a cybrid is, or what make them different? Gregorius21778 and I had a deep-dive conversation about it for the blog, and this is the result (for FREE).

Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Data Shard GRG-217-/23 [Gregorius 21778]
A compilation of articles first published on the Gregorius21778 blog, which includes Metragus - a traffic control A.I. and on how to hack it, Mole Troopers - illegal gene-spliced soldiers as NPCs, or PC template, Optional Resilience Rules, Optional Recovery Rules, a ready-to-cut-into-your-adventure scene including a cyberpsycho, a possible distraction for your PC in the form on a reinforced apartment door, SelfieBots - little drones a PC may want to abuse, Synthface Masks - an item for characters trying to evade surveillance, CorpGoon Loudout Generator - a simple set of tables for arming and equipping adversaries, Capsule Hotel Guests - a D66 table with NPC ideas, and Shitty Places to Live - a 2D6 table to find out where a fresh PC (or downtrodden NPC) might reside.
Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - Data Shard GRG-217-/24 [Gregorius 21778]
More blog articles, edited and compiled into a supplement for Sprawl Goons. This issue includes Simon the Identity Forger an NPC, the Park-n-Fly Parkade - a new location & world building, Sky Aerie Drone Carrier - a dirigible drone dock, Crowd-Funded Militant - a new PC Background Option, Failed Rec/Creator - another new PC Background Option, Outdated, Shoddy and Available - sample used vehicles, Doberborgs - cyberized guard animals, EVA-C - rescue drone class Cameron's SUV - an example armoured vehicle with a little extra, the Sagittarius - a special purpose sniper rifle, the Kumo Heishi - a new entry drone, Turbosensei Loadout Generator, Punk Loadout Generator, Biker Loadout Generator, and Wrenchwork: Rageride - a scene to throw into any adventure.
PLUS, there's a ton of G21778's cool cyberpunk-themed supplements and articles
HERE we talk about the
FPD's Transmission Felonies cops, which I have no doubt will soon be another world-building Sprawl Survey in the near future (pun intended).
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