Wednesday, 26 July 2023

The Flow


The Flow is a city.

The Flow is also people, finance, goods, data, all channeling through the filthy arteries of the metroplex, 24 hours a day.

And it's what the locals call their corner of this decaying sprawl of stratoscrapers, assembleries, habstacks, arcologies, multi-malls, company hubs, geodesics and hive-slums; a metropolitan axis that stretches all the way from Boston to Atlanta. Nobody on the street can remember what this place used to be called anymore.


A system-neutral cyberpunk city sandbox, including a map and 80 DETAILED LOCATIONS spread across 21 dystopian districts. A perfect place to set your cyberpunk campaign. Its out now.



**NOTE: If you already own the Sprawl Goons: Upgraded CARBON EDITION, you already have the contents of this PDF! This is being made aviailable for those who don't.**

Monday, 19 June 2023

An Update

Apologies for the recent radio silence! Here's an update about what I've been up to. ;)

In mid-March of this year I came down with Covid. It wasn't too bad and I managed to continue to work through it (from home) for the nine days it lasted. Once recovered, I had a couple of weeks where I felt perfectly fine.

Then, towards the end of the month, I started to have some gastric problems and a fever. I assumed it was a post-Covid thing and that it would pass in a couple of days. But it didn't. The fever persisted, as did the delightful gastric issues. My better half grew ever more concerned, calling an ambulance as I was talking gibberish (nothing new!) and hallucinating quite badly. I was rushed to A&E, where I was admitted to the Resus department. At this point, I had no clue as to what was happening.

The excellent NHS staff helping me quickly diagnosed me as having sepsis and I was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit. I spent a week in ICU full of cannulas and tubes, hooked up to a bank of monitors, while they saved my life. In all honesty, it was a frightening and intense time.

So, since early April I've been home and recuperating. I got to celebrate a very poignant birthday in May. I've now been weened off the steroids and regained the weight (plus some extra!) and I'm getting fitter and stronger by the day. But, it will take some time to fully recover.

I'm very grateful to still be here and I'm eternally grateful that we have a service like the NHS here in the UK.

Going forward, I'll be gaming again and writing some more. I have lots of plans and ideas and I'll be posting my ramblings on this blog again soon.

Thanks for reading and thanks so much for your patience.


Wednesday, 15 February 2023



I am very pleased to announce that the CARBON EDITION is now live and available to buy and cherish! And there are options!

Both printed A5 hardback and digital copies can be found at DriveThru (buy the book, get the PDF free):

And the printed A5 hardback is also available at Lulu (for my non-US chums):

For those who just want the updated and improved PDF version, head to itch (also on DTRPG):

Happy gaming!

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Sprawl Goons: Upgraded - CARBON EDITION


120pp, A5, collated hardback incoming. Proof copies have now been requested from both DTRPG and Lulu. Once everything has been checked and double-checked, you'll be able to get yours. I'll reveal more soon. Watch this space.